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Photo by Sarah Trummer from Pexels

“安土重迁”,汉语成语,意思是安于故土生活(be satisfied to live in one's native land),不轻易迁往他处(be reluctant to move to another place)。可以翻译为“attached to the land and unwilling to move或be too rooted down to consider moving to another place”。

这是传统农业社会一般民众普遍具有的一种思想观念和情感。这种思想观念和情感偏于保守,但也体现了中国人热爱家乡、热爱土地、热爱亲人、热爱和平的纯良品格(it reflects the Chinese people’s simple love for their homeland, relatives, and a peaceful life)。


安土重迁,黎民之性。Attached to the land and unwilling to move – this is the nature of the common people.

Editor: Jad

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